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Wow, its been a week since my last post. I’m tired, that’s my excuse.

Brenna had her birthday party on saturday… it went really well. The kids all ran themselves ragged, and Bridget was so tired and overwhelmed by it all that she spent the last 40 mins crying and clinging to me. I do have photos, I am just lazy and haven’t uploaded them yet. But they are coming.

I went to the optometrist today because my sight is a little blurry when reading and using the computer… he says I need glasses. I say ‘fantastic’ and wonder where I am going to get the money for them. THEN I try on just about every pair of glasses in the shop (I am picky ) and end up with 2x pairs (they were buy one, get one free) of Dolce&Gabbana glasses. And a bill for $505. Ouch. At least I can be comforted that my second pair that I got for free, which was also Dolce&Gabbana, were the same price, so I saved $500.

Now I just need to figure out how we are going to eat this fortnight…..

Bridget was so exhausted when she got home yesterday, at 4.50pm she collapsed on the couch and fell asleep. At 5.20pm I tried to wake her, and she cried and kicked me in the face. Then she grabbed her dummy, turned her back on me and went back to sleep. At 5.45pm I tried again to wake her and again she cried, kicked at me, grabbed her dummy and went back to sleep. At 7pm I gave up, somehow managed to get a pull-up on her while she was still asleep and moved her into her bed. Where she stayed until around 3.30am this morning when she was awake and rather chirpy… but I wont go into that. Here she is on the couch:

And here is the cake I made for Brenna’s birthday… its just a small one as we are having her party with all her friends on Saturday. Brenna ‘helped’ me decorate it… then wanted to eat it right away.

My beautiful Brenna Rose is 4 today… She has grown from this:

… to a gorgeous little girl:

And now for some things about Brenna:

Her favourite colour is: Pink

Her favourite tv show is: Dora the Explorer

Her favourite food is: Oranges

Her favourite toy is: currently ‘Teddy with dress’ (yes, I am inventive with names). Nana sent this over from Wales and she sleeps with it every night!

Her best friend is: Brenna thinks everybody is her favourite friend, so according to her every child at childcare, as well as the carers, my friends, and random people she meets on the street are her friends. She has lots of friends.

When she grows up she wants to be: a runner. She likes to run fast.

And to finish off, a Brenna quote from today ‘I am so lucky to be 4. I get to go to Kindy! I will wear my badge and everybody will know that I am 4.’

Both the girls were so tired last night when we got home from childcare, Bridget especially. After dinner I put the childrens programs on as a treat because I knew how tired they were, and when I walked past them the next time, they were sitting like this:

Brenna is a very caring big sister, and is always looking out for Bridget and doing whatever she can to help her. Most of the time!

So I know this is a bad photo. I blame my crappy camera. But you get the drift…

I was sick with tonsillitis again yesterday, and spent a lot of time curled up into a little ball in my bed. Of course, the girls thought that a day of almost totally unsupervised play was just fantastic! For the most part they were very good (we wont go into Brenna’s glasses being bent out of shape, or Bridget eating canesten cream), and this is one photo I snapped during a period of lucidity:

Note the too-small baby hat and the non-matching shoes (both of which are Brenna’s by the way…)

For those of you who dont know Sarah, she is one of my oldest friends. We have known each other since we started highschool and have been friends ever since. The girls LOVE her, they get so excited when I tell them that she is coming around, and because she quite often stays overnight and sleeps on the couch, they cant wait the next morning to go and jump on  her.

I just had to share this photo of her that I took the other when she was here, hehehehe.

I am an evil friend.

2 weeks ago it was grey and cold and miserable, and then all of a sudden about a week ago it was like somebody had switched spring on! Its lovely and sunny, we have the windows open and can play outside without getting wet and muddy and cold. Here are some photos I took of the girls this morning, Brenna is modelling

a. her new thongs… her first ever pair. You cant really see them that well because of the sun glare but she is very proud

b. her new glasses! So they are not the best photos. Her face is scrunched and her hair is in the way but you get the drift…

And Bridget being Bridget:

And a couple of photos of our trip to the festival theatre to see ‘The Amazing Drumming Monkeys’ last weekend. It was great, the girls loved it and they did a lot of dancing on the mats in front of the stage with the other kids. We were not allowed to take photos of the performance though, so here are a couple of the girls eating their lunch in one of the grassy areas at the festival theatre:

Ok, so at the risk of sounding like a fifteen year old schoolgirl… I love David Tennant. I cant help it. He is by FAR the best doctor ever in Doctor Who. And since I am apparently a YouTube tragic tonight, here is a nice little video about him:

Pics of the girls to come tomorrow, I promise.

I was browsing YouTube (as you do) and came across this short film called ‘Warlord’. Its quite bizarre! I am not quite sure if I got the right message from it, but regardless I like it:

Tell me what you think…

September 2008